
How To Get To Drafts On Tiktok

How To Find Saved TikTok Drafts & Why They Disappear

Saving a TikTok video as a draft makes it easy to edit again later, but there are times when they might disappear. Here's what you need to know.

Creating a video for TikTok can be as simple or as complicated as the creator wants and the option to save drafts makes it easy to add improvements later, so long as the content creator can find them again. TikTok video drafts are not actually that difficult to locate, but they may be initially harder to find for those new to the viral platform. In some cases, they might have disappeared altogether.

A lot of videos are uploaded to TikTok each day and that helps the platform to generate the number of views it does and attract the large user base that TikTok enjoys. Due to the quick, viral nature of the platform, the more creative an uploaded video is, the better chance it will have of getting seen by more people. This can mean it may take more time to finish a video than it would otherwise, which is where the draft feature becomes useful.

Actually saving a TikTok draft is super simple to do. Once a video has been recorded and the user taps on the "Next" page in the app (where the effects usually are), there will be a "Drafts" option to save the video right next to the "Post" button and tapping it will save the video for later. To find it again, the video will be located in the Drafts folder within the user's profile. This folder can be accessed by tapping on the "Me" button in the app and then on the "Drafts" thumbnail. If there is more than one draft saved, then the thumbnail will display how many there are along with the option to tap on any of the videos in the folder to continue editing before posting.

Why TikTok Drafts Disappear

Although creating a TikTok draft and locating it again is simple enough, there might be times when they disappear. The reason for this is that, unlike posted videos, drafts are not saved on TikTok's servers. Instead, they are saved locally on the device that they were uploaded to the app from. This means they are also bound by the same limitations as any other media stored only on the device. For example, if the TikTok app has been uninstalled and reinstalled with all the app data cleared in the process, then the drafts will have been deleted. In this case, there is no option to get the drafts back again.

Due to drafts being stored locally on a device, TikTok users are also unable to actually switch between devices and continue editing. If the draft is only stored on one device, when a user opens the app on a different device and logs in with the same account, they will find it is unavailable on the new device. Therefore, it is important to finish the editing process and post the TikTok video using the same device the original video was uploaded with. TikTok videos only become freely accessible over the internet once they have been posted and not before.

Next: How To Bring TikTok Photos To Life With MyHeritage App

Source: TikTok

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About The Author

John Finn (820 Articles Published)

John Finn is a technology editor and writer for Screen Rant. John has been covering technology since 2014 and focuses on where tech meets the movie and TV industry. A Psychology graduate from England who now lives in the US, John previously worked in the aviation industry as an airline reviewer. You can find John on Twitter (@J_Finns) or contact directly at john [at] screenrant [dot] com.

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How To Get To Drafts On Tiktok


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